Distribution Sites for Unified Registration Statement (URS)
����������� The listed organizations have each agreed to provide free copies of the current version of the URS and its attachments.� Each reserves the right to require reimbursement for its out-of-pocket expenditures for shipping or postage and duplication costs.� Check with each organization for its requirements.
DMA Nonprofit Federation 1615 L Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20036-3603 202-628-4380 nonprofitfederation@the-dma.org www.nonprofitfederation.org
Association of Fundraising Professionals Rita Keener, Manager AFP Fundraising Resource Center 1101 King St. #700 Alexandria, VA 22314-2967 703-519-8495 Rkeener@afpnet.org
National Council of Nonprofit Associations 1101 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 1002 Washington, DC 20005 202-962-0322 www.councilofnonprofits.org
Multi-State Filer Project (MFP) Robert Tigner, General Counsel 1612 K St. NW� #510 Washington, DC� 20006-2802 202-463-7980
Please also note that the complete URS form and packet can be viewed and downloaded from the Internet at this address: